Policy: Student Identification Card (2.16.4)

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The Rochester Community and Technical College Student ID Card is the official 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 student ID card. The 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 Student ID Card program supports the mission and vision of the College by enhancing the overall college experience through access to a variety of services, including but not limited to admission to athletic events, access to the College’s Regional Sport Center and intramural sports, Bookstore, Hive Supply, printing/copying services, and Library.


Part 1. Policy:

  1. All 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 students are eligible for a 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 Student ID Card. A student is defined as an individual who is currently registered for an upcoming term or newly accepted to the College (for new student orientation purposes).
  2. The 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 Student ID cards are issued by and administered through the Welcome and One Stop Center (WOSC) and Technology Support Services (TSC) which are co-located in M1104.
  3. A State or government issued photo identification such as Unexpired Driver’s License, passport, and Military ID will be needed to obtain a student ID. (Personally identifiable information collected by the college may be used, at the discretion of the institution, as the basis for identity verification.)
  4. There is no charge for a student’s initial 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 Student ID Card.
  5. The name on the 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 Student ID Card will reflect the student’s Government ID, unless “preferred name” special request has been submitted and approved.
  6. All 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 Student ID Card photos are head and neck only, face-front (a basic DMV/passport style photo). No “silly” or otherwise different poses, faces, gestures, etc. are allowed by the subject of any 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 Student ID Card photo. No hats (except for head coverings required for religious purposes) or foreign objects are allowed in photos.
  7. 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 Student ID Card is valid for three (3) years from the date of issuance.
  8. If a card is expired and the student continues to take courses at 皇冠hg2020手机app下载, return the expired card to 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 to receive a new one.
  9. The 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 Student ID Card is the property of 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 and must be returned to appointed college authority upon request.
  10. The 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 Student ID Card shall not be defaced, modified, altered, changed, tampered with or deliberately damaged.
  11. Unauthorized use, tampering, or alteration of a 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 Student ID Card may result in disciplinary action.
  12. The 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 Student ID Card is non-transferable. Cards in possession of anyone other than the cardholder may be confiscated and turned in to the 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 Campus Safety.
  13. The 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 Campus Safety will attempt to notify cardholders immediately when lost or stolen cards are received by the 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 Campus Safety.
  14. If a replacement card is needed due to theft, Campus Safety should be notified as soon as possible. Upon making a statement in person to Campus Safety, the cardholder may receive a new card at no cost at the discretion of the 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 staff.
  15. A replacement fee for 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 Student ID Cards for students with uninterrupted enrollment (within the last year) and for all other cardholders for damaged or lost cards will be assessed at the cost to replace the card.

Date of Implementation: Immediate
Date of Adoption: 10/12/16
Date of Last Revision: 2/25/2025